How to Make a Art Projector Out of a Iphone

Easy tutorial on how to turn your phone into a projector. All you need are a few supplies including a magnifying glass and a shoebox. Easy instructions.

Don't spend hundreds of dollars on a projector when you can brand your phone into a mini projector instead. All yous demand is a few household materials and a piffling time to make your own projector.

How To Turn a Phone Into a Projector promo graphic

I turned my i-phone into a wall projector for nether $4.00.

Can you lot even believe it?

It was like shooting fish in a barrel and elementary and took nigh 10 minutes to make and then I used the projector to transfer letters and numbers on the wall.

Just like this recipe wall.

If yous are a physicist this postal service volition make perfect sense to you.


If you are like me and physics and science make your caput spin…..information technology's hard to understand how this works or why it works…..only the nigh amazing thing is…..

….it really does work.

And here'south how I did it.

turn a phone into a projector

How to Turn a Phone Into a Projector

I made this project afterward I read this post from Photojojo and information technology was so amazing I had to share.

Hither's how to plough a phone into a projector.

It's amazing.

The ideas are endless.  I'm always all about murals. This is the perfect project to create a mural or map on your wall. You could also transfer images or text or numbers all with merely your i-phone and these supplies.


black construction paper

blackness record

shoe box

magnifying glass

paper clip

turn phone into projector magnifying glass on a desk

Step i:  Remove handle from magnifying drinking glass

I found this magnifying glass in the office supply department of Wal-Mart for only .94.

You can simply unscrew the handle to remove it.

turn phone into projector steps

Step 2:  Cut a hole in the finish of the box

Trace around your magnifying glass with a piece of chalk.

Cut out the hole.

turn phone into projector how to

Stride 3:  Snugly fit the magnifying glass into the hole

Make certain information technology fits snugly.

In that location volition be a little lite around the edges.

Don't worry about that. We are going to add together record to hide them.

turn phone into projector magnifying glass

Stride iv:  Tape off edges with black tape

You lot do non desire any light showing through around the magnifying glass.

Add tape to the edges of the circle.

Record firmly into place until light doesn't testify through.


Stride 5:  Embrace inside of box with black construction paper

Y'all want every bit much light every bit possible reflecting out through the magnifying box not being absorbed inside the box.

Add together black construction paper to the edges and the sides.

Glue or tape into identify.

phone in a box

Pace 6:  Place the i-telephone at the stop of the box

Adjust for focus.

You can move the box closer and farther away from the wall to focus it.

You can too move the phone closer and farther abroad from the magnifying glass inside the box to focus information technology.

Prop the phone up or make this like shooting fish in a barrel stand for it from newspaper clips.


Footstep 7:  Project prototype onto a wall

Here'due south what my recipe looked like after I projected information technology onto the wall.

And then you could trace with a pencil and fill in with paint or marker.

Can you even believe information technology?

A shoebox and an i-phone….

….isn't physics wonderful?


Make sure your room is dark.  I used the projector in a dark room to brand sure the paradigm showed up clearly.

If yous are using text you will take to create a mirror image of it and flip it upside downward earlier y'all project it onto the wall.

Here's an piece of cake tutorial on creating a mirror image with text.

I e-mailed a re-create of the text to myself and and so loaded it onto the telephone to project onto the wall.


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