New Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 2017 Moxie and the Art of Rule Breaking

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Kickoff your review of Moxie and the Art of Rule Breaking (14 Day Mysteries, #1)
Alice in Readerland
Originally posted on Since this volume involves a treasure chase, I'll be doing this review with "Map/GPS Direction" headers. Because, hey, why not?


I tin can never resist a proficient mystery, or a adept treasure hunt. So a volume that combines both, equally well as mentioning From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler
in it's synopsis, was a sure-to-read for me! (Yes, I totally love
From the Mixed-upwardly Files of Mrs. Basil Due east. Frankweiler. I used to read it all the time and regr

Originally posted on Since this book involves a treasure hunt, I'll be doing this review with "Map/GPS Direction" headers. Because, hey, why non?


I can never resist a good mystery, or a good treasure hunt. And then a volume that combines both, likewise every bit mentioning From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler
in it's synopsis, was a sure-to-read for me! (Yes, I totally love
From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler. I used to read it all the time and regret that I did not exit nearly a stunning museum that I could live in.)


I love that this volume is based on the real Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum art heist, knowing the story is real, the descriptions of the museum, and even the author'south note in the back really bring a history to this volume. I as well loved the Boston setting; between the well-described (not to mention famous) places where the treasure was subconscious and the history, this story actually felt alive to me.


Moxie has the really strong relationship with her Grandfather that I loved. She is then loyal and fierce to protect her family, and I loved seeing that in a volume. It was really sweet and heartfelt, especially to me. I lost my Grandfather who I was really close to a few days before reading this book, and I've also dealt with Alzheimer's in my family, and then the emotions that Moxie was going through with being concerned over her Grandfather, and her descriptions of dealing with Alzheimer'southward and the uncertainty of it, really touched me and felt genuine (as did the book's dedication).

Go on ON GEOCASHING Bulldoze

I idea the geocashing aspect was really neat! I heard almost geocashing once in passing, and I had never seen information technology in a volume before, so I love how that's incorporated a flake into the volume and goes forth with the treasure hunting theme.


I'll acknowledge it: Sometimes Moxie fabricated me desire to shake her and say "Look, Moxie, I know y'all've got a lot of, well, Moxie, merely someone is threatening you. Please go tell someone other than your geocaching buddy." Just then again, if she did tell someone else, then I suppose we wouldn't have this story–which would be a real shame.


Filled with humor, hijinks, mystery, and of course, an crawly treasure chase, Moxie and the Art of Rule Breaking would make a fun read!

**See more reviews on ALICE IN READERLAND:**

May 19, 2015 rated it liked it
This is a cute niggling mystery...and I liked it even more once I read the Author'due south Note and discovered that the Gardner Museum heist referenced in the book was a real crime--one that was never solved. Moxie is a fun narrator, and the mystery is intriguing and engaging without being scary. I like my mysteries with a chip more edge, but this is perfect for younger students looking for a not-so-terrifying mystery. This is a cute picayune mystery...and I liked it even more one time I read the Writer's Note and discovered that the Gardner Museum heist referenced in the book was a real crime--one that was never solved. Moxie is a fun narrator, and the mystery is intriguing and engaging without being scary. I similar my mysteries with a fleck more than edge, but this is perfect for younger students looking for a not-so-terrifying mystery. ...more
Ms. Yingling
Jun 09, 2013 rated it information technology was amazing
Moxie lives in Jamaica Plain almost Boston with her mother and grandmother. Her grandfather, Grumps, is in a rest dwelling house because he has Alzheimers. When Moxie is approached by a ruby-red haired woman who gives her a message for her grandfather that Sully Cupcakes wants his stuff back. Grumps doesn't have enough lucid days to give Moxie any clues; he just tells her that Sully is unsafe. Moxie and her friend Ollie take a groovy summer after eighth course planned- they take been given railroad train passes and permiss Moxie lives in Jamaica Plain near Boston with her mother and grandmother. Her granddad, Grumps, is in a residuum home because he has Alzheimers. When Moxie is approached by a ruby-red haired adult female who gives her a message for her grandpa that Sully Cupcakes wants his stuff back. Grumps doesn't have enough lucid days to give Moxie whatsoever clues; he just tells her that Sully is unsafe. Moxie and her friend Ollie have a not bad summer after eighth grade planned- they have been given railroad train passes and permission to travel into Boston equally long as they are together, and program to go on lots of sightseeing trips. Moxie continues to be harassed by the red haired woman, however, and so tries to figure out what "stuff" she is talking about. She eventually realizes that it is artwork that was stolen in March of 1990o from the Isabell Stewart Gardner museum, and finds out that her grandad, a carpenter, did work for organized crime bosses and may have subconscious the paintings in buildings that he helped to renovate. When Moxie and Ollie uncover some of the paintings in the state business firm cranium, they know they are on to something. It's dangerous, though, and when Ollie's phone is answered past the red headed adult female, Moxie fears he's been kidnapped. This doesn't stop her from uncovering other treasures, even when she has to call 911 to come and get some of them and so that she can escape from the Old N Church with being attacked! Their quest takes them into the Green Monster and Fenway Stadium, equally well as all over the city.

Strengths: This is a book where the setting becomes a character in the book. I've but been to Boston once recently, but the details of the city are excellent and add together a lot to the story. The theft is based on one that really occurred, but as it has not nonetheless been solved, this story is all conjecture about what might have happened. Moxie is fun, and her need to explore on her own is tempered nicely by the concern shown past her mother and grandmother when she does. I do similar this author'due south other books and would exist very happy if Moxie were to bear witness up in another mystery volume. Fans of Beil'due south Red Blazer Girls will be glad to accept their sleuthing skills to Boston.

Weaknesses: Moxie behaves in ways that would be very dangerous in real life, and this gave me a little break. The scarlet headed woman was super creepy and dangerous.

Julie Williams
Jun 29, 2013 rated it actually liked information technology
Moxie has always known her granddaddy "Grumps" was in "the business" but when an one-time associate comes looking around for some missing items she finds out just how involved he was. Moxie has 14 days to locate the missing items…or else. Unfortunately, Grumps has Alzheimer'south and can't help her out. Using her skills equally a mathematician and with the assist of her all-time friend, Ollie she investigates the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum heist and the part her grandfather played. Moxie'southward investigation accept Moxie has ever known her grandad "Grumps" was in "the business concern" but when an one-time associate comes looking around for some missing items she finds out just how involved he was. Moxie has 14 days to locate the missing items…or else. Unfortunately, Grumps has Alzheimer's and can't help her out. Using her skills as a mathematician and with the help of her best friend, Ollie she investigates the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum heist and the role her grandpa played. Moxie's investigation takes her to the Land House, the Sometime North Church, and Fenway. There is a lot to love nigh this mystery, especially for New England readers familiar with the setting.

I really enjoyed this volume. It helped that I have been to Boston several times and know the locations in the volume. I thought the author did a good chore of integrating Boston culture and history with a famous art museum mystery. The only affair that was weird to me was that Moxie was entering high school. She didn't seem that old and I felt similar her character could have been younger because how she acted and the reading level of the book. I don't come across this book as being pop with the loftier school oversupply but rather with grade 4-6.

...more than
Brandy Painter
I usually bask Erin Dionne'due south books more than I did this i. I call up my disappointment was magnified because I had my hopes rather high for this i and was more often than not unimpressed. I can see kids loving information technology though. It has that sort of child adventure motion-picture show feel to information technology. Kids versus the mobsters, and the kids actually have a chance of winning. The danger never materializes quite similar it would in reality. I think I would take enjoyed it more than if I could accept liked Moxie herself, merely I was rolling my optics b I usually savour Erin Dionne'south books more than I did this one. I think my disappointment was magnified because I had my hopes rather high for this i and was mostly unimpressed. I can come across kids loving it though. It has that sort of child adventure movie feel to it. Kids versus the mobsters, and the kids actually have a take a chance of winning. The danger never materializes quite like it would in reality. I recall I would have enjoyed it more than if I could have liked Moxie herself, simply I was rolling my eyes past the cease of the start affiliate. I'm so tired of main characters who are supposed to be unique and special because they like older music and buy vintage dress. This is so overused that at that place is nothing unique or special well-nigh these characters. It feels like slapping a vintage t-shirt on a grapheme and giving her a playlist her parents would have listened to are adequate replacements for actual character development. I do like that she was a Math lover though. ...more than
November 06, 2016 rated it information technology was amazing
Calling this volume delightful, enjoyable, and satisfying doesn't feel fair towards the book. Reading about Moxie Fleece and how she follows the rules that is, until the day she opens her forepart door to a mysterious stranger. If I were to focus on one other grapheme than Moxie, it would be her best friend, Ollie, a geocaching addict who loves to find stuff. Moxie and Ollie did everything together, from homework to bad sci-fi movies, because the fact that they've been friends since second grade Calling this book delightful, enjoyable, and satisfying doesn't feel off-white towards the book. Reading nigh Moxie Fleece and how she follows the rules that is, until the day she opens her front door to a mysterious stranger. If I were to focus on i other graphic symbol than Moxie, it would be her best friend, Ollie, a geocaching addict who loves to observe stuff. Moxie and Ollie did everything together, from homework to bad sci-fi movies, considering the fact that they've been friends since 2nd class. I judge you can say that they were meant for each other. If you're looking for a book that makes your heart race against the clock, this is the one. I couldn't solely turn this book down without taking an adventure through downtown Boston as Moxie and Ollie break every rule to find the art. ...more
December 13, 2016 rated it liked it
I was pleasantly surprised to discover that this story was historical fiction -- sort of. I loved that it was based on a real robbery in Boston and that the setting of the story was centered around places I've visited earlier. The relationship with Moxie and her grandparents, particularly her Alzheimer's-stricken granddaddy, was sweet. Other than that, I was a little disappointed in the predictability of the events and the characters. Notwithstanding, it was a skilful story. I could meet my 8th graders who enjoy my I was pleasantly surprised to detect that this story was historical fiction -- sort of. I loved that information technology was based on a real robbery in Boston and that the setting of the story was centered around places I've visited earlier. The relationship with Moxie and her grandparents, specially her Alzheimer'south-stricken grandfather, was sweetness. Other than that, I was a piddling disappointed in the predictability of the events and the characters. Nevertheless, information technology was a good story. I could see my 8th graders who bask mysteries enjoying the book. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend the book to them. ...more
There are many ways to handle the event of parental permission in books that crave children to exercise a lot of unsafe tasks, such every bit mystery solving. Sometimes, the parents are conveniently absent on some kind of vacation, or mentally absent due to a enervating job. This is sad just effective.

Another pick is parents that know about and endorse the dangerous activity. Perhaps they even participate and become fully fledged characters. This is oftentimes unrealistic, just can create the nigh entertaini

There are many ways to handle the issue of parental permission in books that require children to do a lot of unsafe tasks, such equally mystery solving. Sometimes, the parents are conveniently absent-minded on some kind of vacation, or mentally absent due to a demanding task. This is sad but effective.

Another selection is parents that know most and endorse the dangerous activeness. Perhaps they even participate and become fully fledged characters. This is often unrealistic, but can create the nigh entertaining stories.

This volume chooses the 3rd choice, which is, the parents are totally normal, thus forcing the young protagonist to constantly sneak effectually them. This is my least favorite way to solve the trouble considering I did not want to read a volume about the primary character climbing out a window then she doesn't get grounded. I wanted to read a book about the main character solving a mystery so her family unit is safe.

In addition to calculation a bunch of filler obstacles, this dynamic actually enforced how awful Moxie's decisions were. I couldn't root for her to successfully sneak around her unfair mom because her mom was completely off-white. Moxie was endangering herself and she shouldn't take been. I actually wished her mom was more strict-- regardless of her age, Moxie conspicuously wasn't mature enough to exist wandering the city on her own. She immediately used the privilege to more effectively endanger her own life!

I ordinarily give children'due south books the benefit of the doubt for stuff like this, though, considering information technology's not the book'due south fault I decided to read it every bit an adult. Merely then Moxie'south conclusion making got even worse. (view spoiler)[I could kind of forgive her endangering herself by non telling whatsoever adults she was beingness threatened because she wanted to solve the trouble herself. Bad phone call only I can kind of get it, and it's her own pick to make, I guess. But and then she has reason to believe her friend has been kidnapped and is currently being held against his volition and she notwithstanding tells no one?? It was her responsibility to become adults involved at that indicate. She never should have brought him into this in the first place, but I can't believe she allow her pride get in the style of his condom once she 'knew' he was in critical danger. (hibernate spoiler)]

That goes beyond normal bad controlling. That'southward only an awful thing to do. I probably won't be reading the sequel to this.

Isabelle Deinstadt
Moxie Fleece had no idea what sort of secrets her family had been hiding, until the biggest cloak-and-dagger was standing on her doorstep. The Isabella Stewart Gardener Museum art heist, Boston's biggest unsolved mystery. Moxie along side her best friend Ollie, would exist breaking every dominion she had ever been told to follow in order keep her loved ones from danger and to find the missing art pieces. However, Moxie'due south grandfather suffering from Alzheimer's knew much virtually the art heist, merely couldn't tell Moxi Moxie Fleece had no idea what sort of secrets her family had been hiding, until the biggest secret was standing on her doorstep. The Isabella Stewart Gardener Museum fine art heist, Boston'southward biggest unsolved mystery. Moxie forth side her all-time friend Ollie, would exist breaking every rule she had always been told to follow in order go on her loved ones from danger and to detect the missing art pieces. Withal, Moxie's grandfather suffering from Alzheimer's knew much about the fine art heist, but couldn't tell Moxie. Ollie's love for geocaching would come in great employ for completing the dangerous chore. Moxie simply had a two week fourth dimension frame to find the missing fine art and save her family, all while breaking every rule she had ever known.
I really loved this book! Personally, I couldn't get over how well the author was able to put a fictional twist on a such a well known real scenario. I was likewise able to connect to many aspects of Moxie'due south life, which fabricated the story more interesting. In improver, I enjoyed that this story described many of Boston'south famous features and I was able to clearly visualize them every bit I read. This story was mysterious and intriguing the whole way through. I loved that at times I institute myself unable to put the book down because I just had to keep reading. I would suggest this book to anyone who likes mysteries and is looking for an overall practiced read. This book was truly great and definitely worth the read!
...more than
Lisa Fabiano
Dec 02, 2018 rated it really liked it
Moxie has merely discovered that her Granddaddy helped thieves hibernate the art work stolen during the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum Heist. The problem is, the thieves desire information technology back and her Grandfather has Alzheimer's. Thus information technology is upward to her to find it fast or her family unit will be in big trouble. With the help of her geocaching loving friend, Ollie, she is determined to solve the mystery. This suspenseful ride through some of Boston'due south most famous landmarks, makes for a fun read. Moxie has just discovered that her Grandfather helped thieves hide the fine art work stolen during the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum Heist. The problem is, the thieves desire it back and her Granddaddy has Alzheimer'due south. Thus information technology is up to her to find it fast or her family will be in large trouble. With the aid of her geocaching loving friend, Ollie, she is determined to solve the mystery. This suspenseful ride through some of Boston's most famous landmarks, makes for a fun read. ...more than
Jul 11, 2017 rated it liked it
Loved the friendship of Moxie and Ollie, and the teamwork. It was a bit far-fetched at times and adults may observe themselves yelling at the book, "Moxie, tell your female parent what is going on!" like I did... but information technology was a fun mystery and the Boston setting added to the adventure. I volition recommend to 5th-8th graders for a good mystery. Loved the friendship of Moxie and Ollie, and the teamwork. It was a flake far-fetched at times and adults may detect themselves yelling at the book, "Moxie, tell your mother what is going on!" like I did... but it was a fun mystery and the Boston setting added to the hazard. I volition recommend to 5th-eighth graders for a skilful mystery. ...more
Norrie ☔️
Jan 26, 2017 rated information technology really liked information technology
The plot and ideas were actually adept, but I was not very impressed with the writing. It was not very descriptive and a piddling fleck Likewise much like a teenager, like how she has a lot of weird words and i-discussion sentences. Not actually the best style to write a book.
Feb 22, 2021 rated it really liked information technology
I didn't realize this was a young adult fiction book when I grabbed it from a costless little library, but in one case I started I figured I'd terminate information technology anyhow. A beautiful if not juvenile story near two best friends searching for stolen art.
May 17, 2017 rated it did not like it
This was a permit down. I heard good things, but it disappointed.
Apr xiv, 2018 rated it it was amazing
Loved this book. It's really hard to notice mystery books for kids in centre school and I am then glad I found this. I recommend this 100 %. Loved this book. It's really hard to find mystery books for kids in heart school and I am so glad I found this. I recommend this 100 %. ...more
Oliver James
Mar 27, 2019 rated it really liked it
Terrific Bostonian chance - a firecracker lead character, snappy writing and an splendid puzzle that's heady all the way through. Terrific Bostonian adventure - a firecracker atomic number 82 grapheme, snappy writing and an excellent puzzle that's heady all the way through. ...more than
Dec 20, 2019 rated it it was amazing
It was a good book from what I can tell from the cover so I want to read it.
Dixie Lynne
I DNF'ed this volume. I just did not relish the plotline. I couldn't get attached to the book. I DNF'ed this volume. I merely did non enjoy the plotline. I couldn't get attached to the book. ...more
Mar 21, 2020 rated it actually liked information technology
It'due south kind of slow in the beginning, but the story is actually interesting and in the heart of the book I couldn't end reading. The story is so touching and I really enjoyed it. It's kind of dull in the showtime, simply the story is really interesting and in the center of the book I couldn't stop reading. The story is so touching and I actually enjoyed information technology. ...more
Danielle Allen
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. ITS A Proficient Volume
Jul 03, 2021 rated it it was amazing
this book is soooo good i dearest books where they liked run away and stuff then this 1 was nifty so exciting and fun
Elizabeth C
Feb 27, 2017 rated it it was amazing
February Volume Review
Moxie and the Art of Rule Breaking by Erin Dionne is an adventurous and mysterious novel. Moxie, the main character, is surprised with a ringing doorbell at her business firm. Unconditionally, she answered it and a cherry-headed woman shocked the 14-year-sometime. She asked for her granddaddy, Grumps, who had alzheimer'south. He was at a retentivity care eye in downtown Boston, Massachusetts. With a niggling mental attitude, Moxie closed the door and the red-head put a foot on the doorway. She said she w
February Book Review
Moxie and the Fine art of Rule Breaking past Erin Dionne is an audacious and mysterious novel. Moxie, the master character, is surprised with a ringing doorbell at her house. Unconditionally, she answered it and a carmine-headed woman shocked the fourteen-twelvemonth-old. She asked for her grandfather, Grumps, who had alzheimer's. He was at a retentiveness care middle in downtown Boston, Massachusetts. With a petty mental attitude, Moxie closed the door and the red-head put a foot on the doorway. She said she was working for Sully Cupcakes. This was a well-written book.

I think the theme of the book is wait the unexpected. Moxie was not expecting that ringing doorbell especially the ruddy-head. As well, I did non expect Moxie to get a lot of injuries in the mystery. She didn't expect that Grumps had an unique past and her family knew about it and didn't tell her. Overall, Moxie and the Art of Rule Breaking is a phenomenal book.

Christina (A Reader of Fictions)
Now that I've read Moxie and the Fine art of Dominion Breaking, I can fully appreciate this adorable encompass, because it fully captures this book. The only inaccurate office is that Moxie's best friend Ollie is Asian (though I guess this guy could exist) and overweight, which I definitely practise non think he is. Still, the items in purple are part of the plot and that is exactly how Moxie dresses, crazy tights and all. If you could see her from the front, she'd exist wearing a concert shirt for certain. Like the cover Now that I've read Moxie and the Art of Rule Breaking, I can fully appreciate this adorable cover, considering information technology fully captures this book. The merely inaccurate part is that Moxie'due south best friend Ollie is Asian (though I guess this guy could be) and overweight, which I definitely do not call up he is. However, the items in purple are office of the plot and that is exactly how Moxie dresses, crazy tights and all. If you could run into her from the front, she'd exist wearing a concert shirt for sure. Similar the cover suggests, Moxie and the Art of Rule Breaking is a fun, action-packed middle class novel with plenty of hijinks.

As her name suggests, Moxie has a lot of spirit, courageous and adamant. The novel opens with the doorbell ringing. Though she's non supposed to open the door to strangers, she does without thinking. A redheaded woman stands on the doorstep, asking afterwards her granddad, who now lives in an erstwhile folks' home, as Alzheimer's slowly takes his memories. Considering this woman is dressed in weather-inappropriate clothing and because of her grandpa'southward past, Moxie sends the woman away, nervous about the adult female's declaration that Sully Cupcakes, notorious mobster wants his stuff back.

Moxie'southward grandfather, affectionally known as Grumps, had a bit of a shady history. He had ties with the mob and worked with the criminal underbelly of the urban center. His job as a carpenter gave him access to a lot of places and made him a good mode to launder coin. Up til at present, Grumps' criminal by has been just stories, but now Moxie actually has to face up who he was and the affect of his shady dealings. The human relationship between Grumps and Moxie is touching, specially the fashion she visits him every week, even though it'southward painful the manner he sometimes isn't in that location mentally.

Together with her allergy-prone friend Ollie, Moxie has to solve the mystery of an art heist that took place over 20 years agone in 1990 (wow, does that make me feel old) in two weeks. Along the way, at that place's some fun with geocaching, daring stunts, and parental disapproval. In that location are themes of family unit and friendship making up the properties, merely the mystery and adventure elements accept a front seat.

Though a fun read, I did accept some concerns with Moxie and the Fine art of Rule Breaking. Mainly, the fact that it was Moxie defenseless up in the middle of this felt contrived. Why on globe would the redhead get to Moxie, an 8th grader, rather than her female parent or grandmother, who are much more likely to know where the art is hidden? A grown woman threatening an eighth grader in this way was bad-mannered. I could see an evildoer threatening someone and so young, merely more every bit motivation for an developed to do something, not to get the young teen to solve the decades one-time mystery. Plus, the redhead didn't even warn Moxie not to tell anyone, and then it's non like she went to the kid considering the adults would phone call the authorities. That simply didn't make sense to me.

Those who enjoy lite-hearted, activity-heavy mysteries will likely savour Moxie and the Fine art of Rule Breaking, especially if they can avoid getting defenseless up in some of the smaller plot details. Also of note is that there is a lot of exploration of Boston, and so it'll be a great read for anyone really familiar with the city.

...more than
Jul 17, 2013 rated it it was amazing
I have been anxiously awaiting the release of Dionne'south latest novel, a mystery surrounding the Isabella Stewart Gardener Museum art heist. Although the story is fictional, the timing of the release is superb, congruent with the real heist 's reemergence in the news subsequently the theft in 1990 (the FBI has recently claimed they know the people responsible). Anyway, back to the story. Moxie is a rule-follower who is excels in math and appreciates its consistency: "No matter what you exercise—how many plus I have been anxiously awaiting the release of Dionne's latest novel, a mystery surrounding the Isabella Stewart Gardener Museum fine art heist. Although the story is fictional, the timing of the release is superb, congruent with the real heist 's reemergence in the news after the theft in 1990 (the FBI has recently claimed they know the people responsible). Anyway, back to the story. Moxie is a rule-follower who is excels in math and appreciates its consistency: "No matter what you lot do—how many plus or minus signs yous add together, transitive properties y'all include, or formulas y'all use—the numbers are what they are." Besides bad life wasn't always that reliable. Moxie's grandfather "Grumps" is suffering from Alzheimer's, and has his practiced and bad days. Moxie and her best friend Ollie will be attending different high schools in the autumn, then Moxie is looking forward to 1 last summer hanging out with him.

Before the summer can even begin, a beautiful redheaded woman knocks on Moxie'southward door and demands to speak to her grandfather, saying "Sully Cupcakes wants his items back…By the fourth. Or else he'll take something of equal…or lesser value." Moxie is pretty sure she was considered the particular of bottom value, judging from the sneer on the woman'due south face up. And so much for the relaxing summer she planned.

Moxie understands that Grumps' old life was non so angelic. He worked with criminals and often helped them hide their loot. That life was in the by for him, and he and Moxie are very shut. She wants to ask him near this deal with Sully Cupcakes, but with his Alzheimer'due south, will he even remember? Moxie merely trusts Ollie with the redhead's visit, and they decide to piece of work together to see what they can find out. With Moxie's problem solving skills and Ollie'south proficiency at finding stuff (he is big into geocaching and notices everything), they set out into the city of Boston to investigate. And hopefully, she tin can salve her own butt in the process.

The reader is totally immersed in the culture of Boston and its landmarks, music, and history. It made me want to hop on the T and take a ride on the Swan Boats, bout the sites on the Freedom Trail, and maybe catch a Sox game at Fenway Park. It's all in there, from the Boston accents to the bang-up Boston musicians (Aerosmith, The Standells, The Mighty Mighty Bosstones, etc.). Y'all gotta love a character who blasts The Dropkick Murphys' "Shippin' Up to Boston" while trying to put the pieces of this puzzle together.

Anyone who enjoys a good mystery will be caught up in Moxie'south and Ollie's adventures, and anyone who enjoys reading well-nigh the local flavors of Boston will experience right at home. I recommend for grades 5 and up.

Cassandra Smith
The volume "Moxie and the Art of Rule Breaking" by Erin Dionne follows around a girl named Moxie in a quest to detect priceless pieces of art from the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. Moxie's gramps, at present suffering from Alzheimer's, was a criminal in his younger days. Moxie believes he might accept hidden the fine art stolen in the infamous Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum art heist afterward existence menacingly confronted by a criminal who wants the paintings "dorsum." Moxie looks for clues and ignores both her The book "Moxie and the Art of Rule Breaking" past Erin Dionne follows around a girl named Moxie in a quest to discover priceless pieces of art from the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. Moxie's grandfather, now suffering from Alzheimer's, was a criminal in his younger days. Moxie believes he might have hidden the art stolen in the infamous Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum art heist after being menacingly confronted past a criminal who wants the paintings "back." Moxie looks for clues and ignores both her mom's rules and the police's with her all-time friend Ollie while trying to discover the art rapidly, so that the criminals don't hurt her family unit. She must do this without developed help as her grandpa does not remember the fine details of the heist and she doesn't want her mom or grandmother to become injure. But, while searching for the pieces, questions keep running through her mind about what she should do with the art if she finds it. Should she turn it into the museum? Should she turn information technology into the "bad guys"?

I idea that the book was too quick-paced. I sympathize that there was a time limit; she had to find and give the criminals the art in a matter of days, only I feel like the writer could accept expanded on Moxie's idea process. Which leads into my side by side point: There were as well many "aha" moments for Moxie and Ollie. Of a sudden they realized where a piece of art must be hidden. This was really unrealistic. Also, Ollie just happened to be into finding the places of hidden things and was really good at it. That was just as well much of a great coincidence for me to get around.

Despite all of these issues, I really liked both Moxie and Ollie. Moxie was very persistent and I loved how she tried non to allow the threats of the criminals become to her. Moxie is very nice, simply she did not seem one-time enough to be entering high school. Normally, I would call up information technology stupid that Moxie didn't tell her mom about the situation. Yet, in this book, hiding the truth from her mom added another interesting aspect of the stealth that Moxie needed. Ollie was undeniably loyal and it was nice to accept a grapheme that helped Moxie think before acting and making stupid decisions that would have led to the downfall of the volume.

Overall, I'd rate this book a 4/5 stars!

This volume is a mystery nigh a young girl who wants the best summer ever with her best friend Ollie just her grandfather who has Alzheimer'southward past is getting in the style. Moxie and Ollie are getting ready to graduate inferior loftier and will be going to separate high schools and they know that once they offset they will exist sucked into their new social life and friends. Every bit the school yr comes to an end Ollie and Moxies parents make up one's mind to give them some liberty they both get a T(card subway card) that al This book is a mystery well-nigh a young girl who wants the best summer ever with her best friend Ollie but her grandfather who has Alzheimer's past is getting in the way. Moxie and Ollie are getting ready to graduate junior loftier and will be going to separate loftier schools and they know that once they offset they will be sucked into their new social life and friends. As the schoolhouse yr comes to an end Ollie and Moxies parents decide to give them some freedom they both become a T(card subway card) that already has $45 dollars onto them they are both allowed to go into Boston but take to have a peer with them and if they are caught going into Boston without a peer they will go their T menu taken away plus other punishments.
Once the school twelvemonth is over they are immune to do anything they desire until everything changed when she made the mistake of opening the door before looking through the peep hole. Moxie was upstairs in her room when she heard a pounding on the door. When she opened the door thinking information technology was her mom a alpine skinny carmine haired women in all black and Moxie was stunned. The women was very curious where Moxie's gramps was when she didn't reply to her other than a "I don't know" the daughter got upwards in her face and told her he had until July four to render Sully's stuff. Moxie didn't desire to bring information technology upwards to her grandma or mother because she didn't want to put them in danger then she goes back up stairs and does some enquiry on who always sully is. Now she already knew about her grandpa's past because he was very open well-nigh it ever since she was immature but what she figured out well-nigh who Sully was she couldn't believe her grandfather would take anything to exercise with this human so she calls upwards Ollie and tells him out their changes of plans for the summer.
November ten, 2013 rated it liked it
Moxie Fleece is looking forward to "the best summer ever" with her all-time friend Ollie. They will be starting different high schools in the fall and this is the concluding take a chance they will have to spend a lot of time together. Ane morning she opens the door, thinking information technology is her female parent, and finds a red-head woman who tells Moxie that Sully Cupcakes wants his stuff back or else. Moxie's grandpa, Grumps, used to exist in the concern. He would hide stuff for local criminals. Grumps has Alzheimer'southward at present and live Moxie Fleece is looking forwards to "the best summer ever" with her best friend Ollie. They will exist starting different high schools in the autumn and this is the last chance they volition have to spend a lot of time together. I morning she opens the door, thinking information technology is her mother, and finds a crimson-caput woman who tells Moxie that Sully Cupcakes wants his stuff back or else. Moxie'due south grandpa, Grumps, used to exist in the business. He would hibernate stuff for local criminals. Grumps has Alzheimer'due south now and lives in a nursing dwelling house. He has his good days and his bad days, but he still won't talk to Moxie virtually Sully Cupcakes. Moxie has 14 days to effigy out what Grumps hid and where he hid it. Moxie and Ollie gear up off on a geo-chaching, mystery tour. They discover that Sully Cupcakes stole 12 items from the Emerge Gardner Museum and Grumps hid them around Boston in places where he was working. Their hunt takes them to the State House, Trinity Church and the Green Monster itself (Fenway Park). The red-head dogs their steps all the way, just Moxie is determined to detect the art and make sure her family stays safe.

I really enjoyed this mystery. Moxie and Ollie are smart and resourceful and adventurous. Certain there were times when I really wanted them to be a footling smarter and tell an adult what was going on, merely that would accept ruined the story. I enjoyed the fact that the mystery was based on a truthful crime. The Sally Gardner Museum was really robbed in March 1990, merely the art has never been found. I as well really enjoyed Moxie's relationship with Grumps. I thought the depiction of Alzheimer's was actually well washed and realistic. This is definitely a book I would recommend to kids.

I received a copy of this volume from Netgalley.

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I Won This Volume one 6 Dec 20, 2013 08:18PM
I write books for tweens, teens, and anyone who survived junior high.

Delight note: I have changed my review policy. I'll no longer exist using the star rating system--I'm an writer, non a reviewer or editor, and I'd rather support other authors by not ranking their books. I write honest (brief) reviews for each book I read, and then please expect to those to detect out what I loved.

I write books for tweens, teens, and anyone who survived junior loftier.

Please note: I have changed my review policy. I'll no longer exist using the star rating system--I'yard an author, not a reviewer or editor, and I'd rather back up other authors by not ranking their books. I write honest (brief) reviews for each book I read, and then delight look to those to find out what I loved.


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