Portuguese for Until We Meet Again

xv Ways to Say "Goodbye" in Portuguese

There are a few different ways to say "goodbye" in Portuguese. In this article, I'll cover everything you demand to know.

Learn all the words and expressions below, and yous'll have everything yous need to say "goodbye" in Portuguese – from formal situations to everyday, coincidental encounters on the street.

And while yous're at information technology, make sure to check out our previous commodity on how to say "hello" in Portuguese!

"Bye" in Portuguese: Tchau

Past far the most mutual fashion to say "cheerio" in Portuguese is tchau. It'southward widely used in both Brazil and Portugal.

Tchau comes the Italian discussion ciao, and is pronounced the same manner.

Supposedly, tchau go a popular manner to say "farewell" in Brazilian Portuguese during the early twentieth century, when big numbers of Italians immigrated into Brazil. Since and then, tchau has crossed dorsum across the Atlantic and is also common in Portugal.

Nevertheless, if yous speak Italian, you should be aware of i important difference betwixt tchau and ciao. In Italy, ciao can mean both "hi" and "adieu". In Portuguese, tchau can merely mean "goodbye", never "hello". So don't utilize it to greet someone!

Tchau is sometimes also written xau, txau, tiao, or chau, especially in "text speak" and on social networking sites. Merely tchau is considered to be the correct spelling.

"Farewell" in Portuguese: Adeus

Adeus is a more formal style of saying "cheerio" that is rarely used in speech communication. It carries rather dramatic overtones: saying adeus implies that you won't see the other person again for a very long fourth dimension, or that you won't see them again at all.

For that reason, yous won't hear adeus very much in spoken Portuguese.

One manner you might utilize it, however, is to emphatically end a conversation that you don't want to be in – sort of like saying "goodbye, and become lost!". For example, you lot might say adeus to a persistent door-to-door salesman correct earlier you slam the door in his face.

Adeus originated as an abbreviation for a Deus vos recomendo – "I recommend yous to God." Vos is an old-timey fashion of saying "you" that you lot'll rarely hear outside of the Bible. You may have noticed the similarity with the Spanish adios, which is widely used in English.

"Encounter Yous Afterwards" in Portuguese: Até mais

Até is usually translated as "until". As we'll run across, there are many ways you tin use até to say your goodbyes in Portuguese.

Allow's first with até mais, which is a common way to say something like "see you around" or "meet you later" in Portuguese. Information technology comes from até mais ver – "until I encounter you over again", or more literally, "until more to see".

Another variant is até mais tarde – "see you later!"

If someone says até mais to you, yous tin can reply with a simple até!, or even just té!

Likewise equally meaning "more", mais tin can also mean "plus". And so sometimes you'll see people writing até mais online every bit t+. Geddit?

To say "see you before long" in Portuguese, utilise até logo.

Até logo is generally used in the aforementioned situations in which y'all'd say "come across yous soon" in English. For example, if you're on the phone with someone whom you'll see later on that twenty-four hour period, y'all could sign off with an até logo.

Até logo can besides be used in a more general sense to mean "cheerio", simply this isn't very mutual, especially in breezy, everyday speech.

Até breve is synonymous with até logo; yet, it's not very widely used these days.

"See Y'all Tomorrow" in Portuguese: Até amanhã

1 more than point regarding até. As you may accept figured out, this word functions a lot similar the English expression "see ya!" in Portuguese. And like in English language, yous can use it with a specific fourth dimension-related give-and-take if you lot take a good idea of when you're going to meet the person again.

So you could say até amanhã! ("see y'all tomorrow"), até a semana que vem! ("run across you next week"), or até segunda/terça/quarta/quinta ("see you on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday"). And, of form, there are many more possibilities.

"I'm Outta Here" in Portuguese: Vou vazar / tô vazando

Vazar literally ways "to leak". However, vou vazar has zippo to do with the English expression "to accept a leak"!

In Brazil, vou vazar or tô vazando is a super-informal way to say that yous're leaving. It's like proverb "I'thousand getting outta here!" or "I'm taking off!" in English language.

"May God Exist With You" in Portuguese: Vai com Deus

We already covered adeus, but that's not the only religion-tinted expression you'll observe in a country as Christian as Brazil.

Another phrase to know is vai com Deus — or the more formal alternative, vá com Deus — which literally means "Go with God!" Information technology's kind of like saying "goodbye, and bless y'all!"; you're wishing blessings and good fortune to the person you lot're talking to.

A like expression is fica com Deus – "be with God". This is something you might say when you're leaving a place to the people who are staying behind. You're blessing them and the place they're in. May God be with them!

"I'k Off" in Portuguese: Fui

Fui is the offset-person singular by tense of ir, "to go". So information technology ways "I went" or "I'm gone".

Apply it when y'all're leaving a place – that is, if you lot don't feel the need to bless everybody with a fica com Deus!

It's like saying "I'one thousand off!" in English.

Another Way to Say "Goodbye" in Portuguese: Falou

Falou literally means "you/he/she said (it)!" Information technology's a highly breezy style of saying "goodbye", and is very common amongst young people.

The implication behind falou is that you've already said everything that needs to exist said; the conversation is over.

In text speak you'll frequently run into this written as "flw". You might too see "vlw flw", which is curt for valeu, falou – "thanks, bye!"

"I've Gotta Run" in Portuguese: Vou Nessa

Vou nessa is brusque for vou nessa onda – "I'm going on this moving ridge". Strange as it may sound, this is yet some other way to say "goodbye" in Portuguese.

In detail, vou nessa is the kind of thing yous'd say if you're at a party or someone's business firm and you lot want to go out earlier than anticipated; sort of an atoning "bye".

"Gente, vou nessa porque tô com muito sono" – "Guys, I'thousand 'going on this (moving ridge)' because I'm really tired".

Formal Goodbyes in Portuguese: Bom dia/Boa tarde/Boa noite

Finally, it's time to examine three very common Portuguese expressions: bom dia, boa tarde, and boa noite, which respectively mean "good forenoon", "expert afternoon/evening", and "adept nighttime".

All three are typically used as greetings, rather than as ways to say goodbye. You, of course, should simply say them at the advisable time of 24-hour interval (earlier midday for bom dia, betwixt midday and 7pm for boa tarde, and after 7pm for boa noite. Note that bom dia is literally "proficient twenty-four hours" in Portuguese, but it's only used to mean "adept morning".)

Still, you might sometimes hear these three expressions existence used to mean "goodbye" in certain formal situations. For example, on TV news, when the anchor is signing off at the end of the show, they might say bom dia or boa tarde.

Also, y'all tin can say boa noite to mean "goodbye" if information technology's late at night. The implication — just like in English — is that yous, or the person you're speaking to, is about to go to bed. Then it's but similar proverb the English "skilful night" in Portuguese.

And Now Information technology's Time for Me to Say "Farewell" in Portuguese!

Falou! I hope you've learned a affair or 2. And until the next time, tchau.

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Benny Lewis

Founder, Fluent in 3 Months

Fun-loving Irish guy, full-time world trotter and international bestselling author. Benny believes the all-time approach to language learning is to speak from day ane.

Speaks: Castilian, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Esperanto, Standard mandarin Chinese, American Sign Language, Dutch, Irish

View all posts by Benny Lewis


Source: https://www.fluentin3months.com/goodbye-in-portuguese/

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