Childrens Book About Funny Cat Who Thinks Hes a Dog

To celebrate the release of my latest picture book, Officer Katz & Houndini: A Tale of Two Tails , illustrated by Danny Chatzikonstantinou, Mia invited me to share my TOP 5 funny dog and cat picture books!

Dog my cats! It was virtually impossible to limit myself to 5 books each, but here goes! It's raining cats and dog picture books!!

 10 Hilarious Cat and Dog Picture Books starting with …

Top 5 FUNNY Dog Picture Books

5. A Dog Wearing Shoes by Sangmi Ko

How can you resist this cover? I certainly couldn't!

The shoe-wearing canine character of this dog adoption tale so reminds me of another favorite canine, Dr. Seuss's Max.

Favorite illustration : The soft graphite illustrations with little pops of yellow and red are cute and funny.


And my all-time favorite is a spoiler, so peek at your own risk.


4. Norman, Speak! by Caroline Addison, illustrated by Qin Leng

Another adoption tale that will melt your heart. Norman is funny and friendly, but when he doesn't understand his name, and when he can't learn simple commands, his adoptive family thinks he's just not smart. But boy is he! Wait until you find out why! It will surprise you.

Favorite spread : Norman and his family


3. Gaston by Kelly DiPucchio, illustrated by Christian Robinson

Ooh-la-la & c'est magnifique! You're in for a treat if you haven't yet read Gaston! A touching tale of family love and being who you are.

Favorite spreads: The poodle-bulldog families meet each other for the first time.


I cannot wait for its sequel, Antoinette , which comes out in February!

I love Christian Robinson's art which complements the text so well.

2. It's Only Stanley by Jon Agee

The Wimbledons were sleeping… and Stanley keeps waking them up! All night long! Rollicking rhyme that's a delight to read aloud. I love the bold lines and funny contraptions. And why is Stanley so busy? You'll soon see!

Favorite spreads : I absolutely love this spread that hints at Stanley's motivation!


The very last spread makes me feel over the moon (hint-hint)!


And the top dog picture book is …

1. Ragweed's Farm Dog Handbook by Anne Vittur Kennedy

Want to be a farm dog and get a biscuit too? Then this is your book! Ragweed will tell you all about it in his own funny voice, with hilarious illustrations to match!

Favorite images : Ragweed with the farm's chickens in stunning color!


And this one of Ragweed chasing sheep is just pure dog joy!


p.s. and one more hot off the presses from PragmaticMom …

Top Dog and Other Doggone Delightful Expressions by Carli Davidson

This is a compilation of adorable dog photographs by expert animal photographer Carli Davidson coupled with well-known idioms that include dogs. I'd gift to a work colleague or to any adult that loves dogs. [picture book, ages 8 and up]

And now it's time for cat-tales!

Top 5 FUNNY Cat Picture Books

5. How to Catch a Mouse by Phillipa Leathers

Clemmie the cat tells the tale of her mouse-catching prowess, though the pictures tell another tale. The last wordless spread will show you just how Clemmie plans to catch her mouse.

Favorite image: That's one tricky mouse!

How to Catch a Mouse

4. Won Ton by Lee Wardlaw, illustrated by Eugene Yelchin

Told in a series of haikus, this cat adoption tale will steal your heart, and make you laugh along the way. Wait until you'll find out the cat's true name!

Two favorite images: Quintessential cat

Won Ton by Lee Wardlaw, illustrated by Eugene Yelchin

Playful cat

Won Ton by Lee Wardlaw, illustrated by Eugene Yelchin

And don't forget to check out its follow-up, Won Ton and Chopstick —a cat AND dog haiku tale:

The endpapers with mice and kongs are just purrfectly pawsome!

Won Ton and Chopstick

3. Here Comes the Easter Cat by Deborah Underwood, illustrated by Claudia Rueda (and the Santa, Toothfairy, and Valentine Cat books too!)

This book is just plain funny from beginning to end, and its use of white space is absolutely brilliant! I love how Cat communicates through signs too.

Favorite images:

With a chocolate bunny!

Here Comes the Easter Cat by Deborah Underwood

Woops! That cat!

Here Comes the Easter Cat by Deborah Underwood

2. They All Saw a Cat by Brendan Wenzel

I have long been a fan of Brendan Wenzel's art, and I had been waiting for this book for sooo long! It did not disappoint! It's deceptively simple, but not simplistic, and explores perspective and point of view in such a clever and creative way—loved it!

Picking a favorite was tough! The resolution is pitch-perfect, and a bit of a spoiler, so I won't share it here. You'll want to see it for yourself.

Here are two favorites though:

The bat saw the cat:

They All Saw a Cat by Brendan Wenzel

And they all saw the cat!

They All Saw a Cat by Brendan Wenzel

And the #1 cat's meow of a picture book is …

1. Miss Hazeltine's Home for Shy and Fearful Cats by Alicia Potter, illustrations by Birgitta Sif

I love the hero, a shy cat named Crumb. The illustrations are so spot-on for this sweet and touching story of friendship and facing fears. It makes me laugh and cry!

Cute kitty endpapers!!

Miss Hazeltine's Home for Shy and Fearful Cats by Alicia Potter, illustrations by Birgitta Sif

And this page is LOL funny! Who knew Miss Hazeltine feared owls and mushrooms!

Miss Hazeltine's Home for Shy and Fearful Cats by Alicia Potter, illustrations by Birgitta Sif

I'll end with my favorite spread from Officer Katz & Houndini !

Officer Katz & Houndini

Aladdin is kindly giving away THREE copies of Officer Katz & Houndini right here!

Tell us about your favorite dog, cat or dog & cat picture books, and you'll be in the running! (US residents only—sorry !). Please fill out the Rafflecopter below to enter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

To examine any book more closely at Amazon, please click on image of book.

10 Hilarious Cat and Dog Picture Books

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.


Monday, Oct. 17th: Writing for Kids (While Raising Them) THREE GIVEAWAYS: a query pass from the amazing Ammi-Joan Paquette of Erin Murphy Literary; picture book critique from me, and a copy of Officer Katz & Houndini!!

Tuesday, Oct. 18th: Librarian's Quest

Wednesday, Oct. 19th: Bildebok

Thursday, Oct. 20th: Mamabelly's Lunches with Love

Friday, Oct. 21st: Pragmaticmom + THREE book giveaway

Monday, Oct. 24th: Homemade City

Tuesday, Oct. 25th: ReFoReMo THINK QUICK Interview with Carrie Charley Brown

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