Can You Get Your Period It Stops Then Get It Again on Plan B

How late can a period exist  after taking the morning after pill? The morning afterwards pill is non the most effective method to use if you want to prevent pregnancy after unplanned sexual activity. BUT – it is easy to get hold of compared to the other methods (like the Copper coil) and therefore, its the near common pick for many people.

But after using the pill, a lot of practical questions come up to light.

For instance, how to know if the pill worked  and tin can the morning after pill brand you miss a period.

Others are: does the morning after pill affect your period , or problems effectuallythe late period later on morning afterward pill .

Nosotros volition address these questions in detail in this post.

Whats On This Page

  • How The Emergency Contraception Pill Works
    • Emergency Contraception Pill Forms
    • What The Pill Does…
  • Related Reads
  • Signs That Plan B Didnt Work
    • How to make sure the EC pill works for yous
  • Can the Morning After Pill Filibuster Your Menstruum?
  • How Long After Taking The Morning After Pill Should I Become My Period?
    • Ella
    • Levonorgestrel
  • More FAQs on Delayed Periods After Forenoon After Pill


How The Emergency Contraception Pill Works

The EC pill is the method you lot reach for afterward having unplanned sex when you do not have protection. Protection means taking a regular contraception method like daily pills, implants, injections, or using a condom earlier sexual practice.

Currently, after unprotected intercourse, we accept two main methods for preventing an unplanned pregnancy – the emergency pills or the copper IUD.

The Copper IUD (intrauterine device) or Copper coil is a pocket-sized device that an experienced health provider fits inside your womb in the clinic.

It is the near effective emergency birth control method and needs to be fitted within five days of unplanned sex activity or five days of ovulation.

But if y'all tin can't go the Copper coil, the emergency contraception pill is your next best bet.

how late can a period be on birth control

Emergency Contraception Pill Forms

EC pills come mainly in three different forms.

  1. The most common method is Levonorgestrel (LNG), an artificial progesterone similar to the Progesterone institute in your body. Information technology is what y'all find in the well-nigh familiar methods similar Plan B, Have Action, Mail service pill, Postinor, so on.
    • With Levonorgesterel, you have up to 72 hours of having unprotected sexual activity in which to apply the tablet. It is upwardly to 95% in preventing pregnancy when taken within the first 24 hours . This reduces to virtually 89% by the 3rd day after sex. Thereafter, it is not reliable.
  2. The second grade of emergency contraception pill known as Ella (EllaOne) contains the antiprogesterone, Ulipristal acetate. It is the nearly constructive emergency pill method you tin can take (as long as information technology's within v days of unprotected sex activity).
  3. Less ordinarily, some types of the combined pill can be used as emergency contraception. Nevertheless, this is less constructive than the Ella or LNG and not frequently recommended.


What The Pill Does…

The emergency pills piece of work by delaying ovulation, that is, the release of an egg from the ovary.

  • In a woman with a regular 28-day bicycle, the release of an egg unremarkably happens about 14 days following the first day of the last menstrual period.
    • A regular cycle means yous usually will have a montly haemorrhage about the same time each month with one or two days earlier or subsequently on some occasion.
  • The day after ovulation, ovulation day and the 4 days just earlier ovulation are known equally your fertile window .
  •  Your fertile window is the fourth dimension of the month during which you lot are most likely to fall significant . But the timing of the fertile window can change from one month to the next, fifty-fifty in a woman who has a regular cycle.
  • Some studies suggest that more than 7 out of ten women may be in their FW before day ten or later day seventeen in their cycle.
  • Using a good ovulation app can help you lot proceed track of your periods. You can also estimate your fertile window if you take a regular bicycle.

The pill changes your hormones to prevent the release of the egg, normally till sperm from sexual practice have died off.

Since we know that sperm can remain alive in the woman for three-5 days, the hEC pill delays ovulation for 5 days after which y'all so ovulate.

If you practise have sexual practice again after the postponed ovulation happens, you lot could get pregnant despite the pill. Hence yous must resume your regular contraception method direct away or utilise some other emergency pill after sex.

How late can a period be

Signs That Program B Didnt Work

If y'all accept an emergency pill like Plan B, you will need to wait till your next period or exercise a pregnancy test to know if the pill worked.

The urine pregnancy test will not exist positive till effectually two-three weeks later intercourse.

Your adjacent menses may come near the same time or be delayed past the pill.

In some women, it fifty-fifty comes earlier than usual.

Whether y'all rely on your menstruation or a pregnancy examination, yous will demand to wait a few weeks earlier you tin tell if the pill worked or non.

So – are there whatever signs that Plan B didn't work? No – there's no way nosotros tin tell.

It would be best if you did non rely on spotting or breast soreness as signs the pill has worked or non without getting a test or speaking to your doctor.


How to brand sure the EC pill works for you

However, there are means you lot can boost the chance your pill works when y'all take it.

  1. Have information technology as soon as possible after unprotected sex. If you are not ready for pregnancy, information technology is helpful to keep a dose of the EC pill at home in case your regular method fails. This reduces whatsoever delay in starting the pill.
  2. Where are y'all in your wheel? Knowing your fertile window (FW) tells you when you are prophylactic.
    • The closer to ovulation you lot are, the more likely you lot are to fall pregnant afterward sex activity. When you take an EC pill after unprotected sex, it is almost likely to work if it'south taken well before your ovulation day.
    • We think the pill is likely to be nigh effective if taken from the starting time of your FW till the solar day before ovulation. For the terminal two days, if ovulation has already taken place, the pill is unlikely to work.
  3. The type of EC pill you take. Ella has been shown to be more effective than the Levonorgestrel pill. It is also effective for 48 hours longer than the LNG.

Can the Morning time Afterward Pill Delay Your Menstruation?

So you lot want to know how late can a period be without being pregnant. But tin can the emergency birth command pill delay your period? Aye.

The iii potential effects of the pill on your period are:

  1. No result – that means your menstruation arrives on the same day as expected.
  2. Delay – the period arrives subsequently than usual. Most ofttimes, this can be seven days or upward to 2 weeks after the expected period.
    • Nonetheless, some women study even longer delay afterward taking the EC pill when they are not pregnant. Sometimes this may be related to the pill – for instance, taking more than than one pill in one cycle could mess up your periods for a while, but it should return to normal.
    • If this is not the example, your doctor volition consider other causes.
      • Examples are:
        • weight changes (beingness over-or under-weight),
        • stress,
        • PCOS,
        • thyroid hormone problems,
        • anxiety or depression,
        • chronic affliction, or
        • being in perimenopause and others.
  3. Early – In some women, your catamenia may come on before than expected later on the pill. According to some studies, taking the EC pill early on in your bike could hateful the side by side period comes early on. But this is not something we run across all the time, and so it's non very reliable.
how late can a period be without being pregnant

How Long Afterwards Taking The Morn After Pill Should I Go My Period?

The answer to this will depend on a few factors.

  1. When in your bike did yous take the pill – early or late
  2. How many EC pills have you taken in this cycle
  3. Are you taking regular contraception?
  4. What was your cycle like before taking the pill?


Information technology is not easy to predict this, merely based on the studies, we know that a pocket-size number of women taking the Ella pill have their menses more than vii days early.

20% of them had a menses delay of about seven days .

In about four women out of 100, their catamenia delay was more than than 20 days. This filibuster happens more often when they have Ella early in their bicycle (before ovulation).


For LNG pills similar Plan B or Postinor, nigh women get their periods within vii days of the expected appointment .

However, in almost 10 per cent, it may be delayed over 7 days .

Therefore on average, yous should become your period within seven days of the expected appointment – but it is possible to have delays for more than than two weeks.

Given this data, then, what is the maximum delay in periods after taking morning afterwards pill?

We don't know. Potentially this tin exist unlike from one woman to the next. However, with a period delay of over six weeks, your doctor will consider other possibilities apart from the emergency pill.

If you are not pregnant, your md will cheque if this is related to your mental health, physical weight or other weather that affect your hormones.

So if we enquire the question – tin the forenoon later pill delay your menstruum for 2 months?

Well-nigh doctors will say while this is possible; it is not common. They will recommend an examination and tests to check for other causes.


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More FAQs on Delayed Periods Afterward Morning time After Pill

  1. Can the forenoon later pill mess up your cycle for months?
    •  Yes, it tin can. Although it volition not crusade significant harm, taking the EC pill more than than in one case in a cycle can mess up your bicycle for months. And this is why nosotros advise you to have a regular, reliable form of contraception, so y'all only need the morning time after pill occasionally or rarely.
  2. What it means – forenoon after pill, menstruum late 2 weeks?
    • In this instance, I would recommend a urine pregnancy test straight abroad. If the test is negative, you can look some other seven days and echo information technology. At this point, you can also look for signs of early pregnancy like chest soreness, tiredness and so on.
  3. Bleeding a week later on plan b – is that my flow?
    • Virtually frequently, haemorrhage that happens presently subsequently taking the pill is a side effect of the hormones in the pill –not your catamenia. The bleeding also tends to be lighter than a flow, due east.g. spotting. Even if the bleeding is a piffling heavier, it will not cause blood clots. It will not final equally long as a usual menstruum.
  4. What are the side effects of morning time after pill on menstrual bicycle/effects of morning afterward pills on periods?
    • The pill has ii primary bleeding furnishings: it tin can i) crusade bleeding unrelated to the menstrual cycle (periods) and ii) touch on the periods.
      • For the periods, the pill can accept zero effect. That means the menses is unchanged and comes at the expected fourth dimension. In other cases, it may be delayed or might come up earlier.
      • Some women have bleeding in between the scheduled menstruum days. This could be the effect of the hormones from the pill. In addition, afterwards taking an EC pill, yous may experience less pain with the next period, and it may be less heavy than usual.
  5. How late tin can a menstruum be on nascence command/ how many days belatedly tin can a menstruation be? If yous desire to know how long can a catamenia be late after energency nascence control pill – information technology varies. Yep it'southward one of those questions y'all tin't predict. It may depend on different other circumstances like stress, or your natural menstruum and using regular conteraception or not.

Hopefully, nosotros've addressed the most common questions most menses delays and other changes to the menstrual period later taking the emergency contraception pill.

Let us know in the comments if you accept whatsoever more or ask here.

Editing by AskAwayHealth Squad


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