Hiw Do I Upload My.contact From Google to.iphone

Bought a new phone? Don't want to lose contact details for friends and family and trusted handymen?

Follow these steps and nosotros'll assistance you lot transfer your contacts as painlessly and chop-chop equally possible.

In this detail guide we catering to Android users who want to motility their contacts to some other Android phone or to an iPhone.

There are several ways to exercise transfer contacts, none of which require whatsoever special knowhow. We'll outline each of the methods in turn.

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1) Transferring your contacts via Google Cloud

The simplest fashion to transfer your contacts from your current Android phone to another handset is to take advantage of the very reliable Google Cloud back-up service, which is available on all Android devices.

The cracking advantage of transferring your contacts this way is that once you've fix Google Cloud y'all won't take to worry about transferring contacts again in future.

That's because from thereon in, they'll be synchronised with any of your Android devices in which you have signed in with your Google account.

If yous're already signed in with your Google account, information technology's likely that the contacts are already synced.

If yous're unsure, go to Settings > Accounts > Google and check that Contacts is switched on:

Contacts sync Android

If information technology's non, actuate it and in a few minutes all your contacts will be synced to your Google business relationship.

If you use Gmail, the contacts should besides appear there, complete with phone numbers.

If you're switching to another Android phone, you lot'll be prompted to enter your Google details when yous beginning set it up.

If that's not the case, go to Settings > Accounts > Add new + and cull Google.

In a few minutes, all your contacts will announced on your new Android telephone

If you're switching to an iPhone (or iPad), open the Settings app. Select **Accounts > Add Account > and select "Google".

Your Google contacts will be synced in the Contacts app.

Contacts sync iOS

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2) Transfer your contacts by saving them to SIM

If you're non happy with linking all of your contacts with your Google account, or yous don't programme to set upwards a Google business relationship on your new phone, you tin use the onetime-fashioned method of storing your contacts on your SIM.

Showtime of all, make sure the SIM carte du jour from your previous phone fits into your new handset.

This is disquisitional, because if it doesn't fit you won't exist able to transfer your contacts using this method.

Checked the SIM fits? It does, you say? Good news. The adjacent step is to take your old phone and open the Contacts app and discover the settings bill of fare.

This may await different depending on your phone, but it is generally located on the top right of your main Contacts screen.

Android contacts menu

Your next movement is choose Import/Consign(or just Export on some phones), then "Consign to SIM carte"

Now y'all can transfer your contacts into your new phone using your old SIM.

If you're transferring to a new Android phone, insert the old SIM and open Contacts, so Settings > Import/Consign > Import from SIM carte du jour.

If you're transferring to a new iPhone, become to Settings > Contacts and then Import SIM contacts.

Once the transfer is consummate yous can swap the erstwhile SIM with the new.

3) Switching from Android to an iPhone? You tin use Apple tree's Motion to iOS

Move to iOS

Apple's extremely handy Movement to iOS app is probably the all-time tool to aid with you switch from an Android to an iPhone.

Equally well transferring contacts, this neat app also syncs all your messages, photos, calendars and fifty-fifty suggests iOS alternatives to your existing Android apps.

Download Motion to iOS for Android.

Need some help transferring your telephone number to a new network? You'll find all the help you need with our 1-terminate guide.

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Source: https://www.uswitch.com/mobiles/guides/how-to-transfer-contacts-android-to-android-android-to-iphone/

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